Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Aesthetics" by Joel Brouwer

I like this poem because I can relate to it. I know how it feels to have something terrible happen to you and nobody care or give sympathy. He is saying that no matter what happens in life, you have to move through it and not let it bring you down. The poet says, "A body has soft and hard parts like a piano. Music comes from where it meets." In my interpretation, I think he is saying that life has its ups and downs, but you have to keep moving forward and see what new things life gives you.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,

    I unfortunately don't have the poem to read, but I love the line you quoted. That is beautiful! I agree with your interpretation; life and people have hard times and happy times and it is the whole of those experiences that make us who we are!
